Mark收到外國同事傳來一張莫名其妙的照片,他覺得很奇怪,就問同事:Why did you send me that picture?

外籍同事回答:Sorry, I've got fat fingers.


Sorry, I've got fat fingers.


fat finger是網路、手機流行之後才有的用法,意思就是「手滑」。為什麼用fat finger表示手滑呢?試想一下,手指太胖、按鍵盤時,是不是常會誤觸旁邊的鍵,一不小心就打錯字、傳錯資料了。fat finger其實更常當動詞用:

Sorry, that was just me fat-fingering.

I thought the computer wasn't working but I must have fat-fingered my password.

I seem to fat-finger a lot on this keyboard.

I can't put my finger on it.


put finger on it把手指放在某件事情上,很容易誤解為插手管某件事,真正的意思是「確切的找出問題、困難所在」,就像把手指放在問題的核心或關鍵點上一樣。例如:

There's something wrong about the project, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

I remember it, but can’t quite put my finger on the outcome.

He's good at putting his finger on what's missing in a project and suggesting improvements.

l think it is about time we pulled our fingers out.


pull finger out並不是拉出手指「收手了、不做了」,意思剛好相反,是把手指從口袋裡伸出來,「開始幹活、採取行動、或加緊工作」。這個片語帶有一點告誡或鞭策語氣,甚至有些不耐煩,經常是上對下,叫人別偷懶或不積極,趕緊去工作。


You've been procrastinating on that project for weeks. It's time to pull your finger out and get it done.

If you want to succeed in your career, you need to pull your finger out and start working harder.
