開會時,James向外國老闆提到一個新產品的想法,希望說服老闆有一些新做法時,老闆說:Let's put a pin in it.


1. Let's put a pin in it.


Put a pin in it是一個常用的商用英語片語,意思是「暫時擱置一個話題、問題或計劃,以便等一會再討論」。這像把別針插入文件或牆上的提醒,以便稍後記住再繼續討論。

Put a pin in it常見於會議或團隊討論中,當一個會正在偏離主題,你就可以說:

Let's put a pin in this discussion and move on to the next agenda item. We can come back to this when we have more information.


Can we save that for later.


I think you make a good point, but let’s put a pin in it for now.

2.You can’t pin it on me.


Put a pin in it和Pin it on意思不同,You can’t pin it on me是指「你不能把責任或錯誤歸咎於我」,是常見的英語表達。


You can’t pin it on me. I submitted my part on time.

也可以說pin the blame on,直接把blame(責備、歸咎)加上去:

You can't pin the blame on her - she wasn't even there when the accident happened.

3. I need to pin down who is responsible for this task.


Pin down原來的意思是用釘子把東西釘住,例如:

Will you pin the paper down so it won't be blown away?


The cause of the disease is difficult to pin down precisely.

Pin down不一定用在事情,也可以針對人,例如:

I need the up-to-date sales figures but I can never pin him down at the office.


I need to pin down who is responsible for this task.


1.Pin your hopes on(把希望寄託在某人或某事上)


We're pinning our hopes on the new marketing plan to revive our sales.

2.Pin money(零用錢)

Pin money指「小額零用錢」,大都是用於非必需品的開銷。在談到家庭預算時,家庭主婦可能會說:

I use my pin money for little luxuries like coffee with friends.

3.On pins and needles(極度焦慮或緊張)


I've been on pins and needles all day waiting for the call.
