Sam的外籍同事去拜訪客戶,談一個產品發表的案子。同事回來後,他問同事談得如何?外籍同事說:We hit it off right away.


We hit it off right away.



The boys are hitting at the dog.

hit也可引申為「碰撞」,兩人相處時產生很好的碰撞、相處融洽,可以用hit it off。經常用於初次見面,或很快就建立默契的情境:

I met Sarah at the party last night, and we really hit it off. We talked for hours!

hit it off除了用來形容朋友、親密關係,也可以指工作或業務上的合作默契。

When our team went out for lunch together, we really hit it off and had a great time getting to know each other.

It's important for our team to hit it off with the client's team. Building a strong rapport will lead to better outcomes.

Hit me again.


這句話也可以省略again,直接說hit me。它有好幾個意思,要從情境才能判斷意思。如果是在酒吧,常指「再給我來一杯」,例如:

Hit me again, bartender.


Hit me again, dealer!

hit me後面不加again,還可以用在一種對話情境,類似中文裡的「說吧、問吧」:

A: May I ask you a question?(我可以問個問題嗎?)
B: Hit me.(問吧!)

Hit me up when you're back in town.


hit up是一個口語上的片語,指「聯絡」:

Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Facebook.

如果加一個介系詞for:「hit someone up for」就有另一個意思,是「向某人要錢」,例如:

She hit me up for $20.

I donated money to that charity a few months ago, and they're already hitting me up for more.
