國外廠商來訪,Sam和他們約時間,他問廠商何時到,廠商說:We’ll arrive at two o'clock on the dot.

是兩點嗎?Sam覺得有點奇怪,on the dot「在點上」?是哪個點啊?不就是在辦公室開會嗎?今天來看看dot這個字的道地用法。

We’ll arrive at two o'clock on the dot.


dot這個字,我們最熟悉的意思是「點」,可以比喻為「時間點」,on the dot是指剛好在那個時間點,非常準時。我們多看幾例口語中常見的表達:

I got there on the dot.

He's very punctual -- always arrives on the dot.

The call came on the dot of eight.

dot當作一個時間點,還有the year dot的說法,意指「很久以前」,是一種誇張和幽默的說法:

I've known Peter since the year dot.

You must be off your dot if you think that's a good idea!


off one’s dot是隨性的口語,暗示「某人可能不理智或不穩定」,接近中文裡的「瘋了」。這裡的dot沒有特定的意義,用來加強效果,就像英文裡有一些說法,像off your rocker(指某人精神不正常)或 off the wall(指某事怪異)。例句:

Did you hear what he said? He thinks he can fly by flapping his arms. He's completely off his dot!

You’re off your dot to go out in this stormy weather.

Dot the i's and cross the t's.


dot the i's and cross the t's是職場常見片語,字面是「把i加上點,把t畫一槓」,引申為「確保事情做得非常仔細和準確,所有步驟都完成」,也可以用來形容做事「一絲不苟、不馬虎」。

After finishing her report, Jenny checked it to make sure she'd dotted her i's and crossed her t's.

The negotiations are nearly finished, but we still have to dot the i's and cross the t's.

My involvement in this project is as the connect-the-dots guy.


connect the dots原意為「連連看」,是大家熟悉的兒時遊戲,這個片語也常見於商業會話中,指在一系列零散的資訊、事件或概念之間,找到相關聯並形成完整的圖像或理解。

如果有人說自己在專案中的角色是connect the dots,並不是指他是聯絡人,而是在專案中擔任將各個要素或步驟串聯起來的角色,以確保整個專案順利進行。

I finally connected the dots and understood the whole situation.
