哈佛大學法學院的畢業典禮邀請楊紫瓊演講,演講中,她給了畢業生3個建議,第一個是“stay loose”,第二個是“Know your limits”,第三個是“Find your people”。第二個和第三個,字面意思容易理解,Know your limits是「知道自己的限制」,Find your people,是「找到自己人」。

什麼是stay loose呢?loose不是「散漫」、「鬆掉」嗎?勸人很散漫,這是什麼玄機嗎?一起來看看stay loose及loose道地的用法。

stay loose



My shoelace is loose.

stay的意思是「保持」,大家一定還記得不陌生賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)在史丹佛大學畢業典禮的演講,結語“Stay hungry. Stay foolish.”。stay是指「保持在某種狀態」,stay loose也就是處在放鬆的狀態,即「鎮定自若,不慌不忙」。

“When falling, the tendency is to tighten up, to brace for impact. But in truth, the safest thing one can do is remain calm, even curious, about the shifting world around you.”


來看看stay loose的例句:

Just stay loose, man. Everything’ll be all right.


Try to hang loose and don't let it bother you.

cut loose


cut loose有好幾個意思,是職場中常見的片語。


He could not believe that the firm he has served for so long would cut him loose.


I guess it’s time I cut loose.

We got through to lunch and in the afternoon were able to cut loose.

loose ends


loose ends本指「鬆垂、沒有繫牢的線端」,引申為「待完成的工作」,常搭配tie up。tie up指「繫上、綁緊」、把線頭綁緊,引申為「把事情、問題處理好」。


I tied up some loose ends before leaving my office and going home.

還有一個用法,是at a loose end,意思是「閒來無事、不知道要做什麼好」。


If you find yourself at a loose end, you could always clean the bathroom.

loose cannon


cannon原指「大砲」,或「飛機上的機關槍」,loose cannon字面意思是沒拴好的大砲,可想而知有多危險。loose cannon引申為「火爆脾氣、不受控制的人」。

Jason is an enthusiastic smart worker, but he can be a bit of a loose cannon. That’s why I get him to approve everything through me before he does it.
