Michael的案子進度一直沒跟上,他找老闆商量,想爭取多一些時間,老闆的回答是:No ifs or buts.


No ifs or buts.


No ifs or buts意思是別再講任何的「如果」、「還有」、「然後」、「可是」,這句話大多發生在主管對下屬、父母對小孩、老師對學生等,上對下的權威式溝通中。有時候會在buts之後加about it。

She's the most qualified candidate, and there are no ifs and butsabout it!


There will be no more shouting, period!

Don’t be a but man.



Not so many buts, please.

經常唱反調的人,就可以叫but man。

A:You fired Bill?

B:Yes. I didn't want a but man like him holding our team back.

But man也有人會用but boy:

 I wish you wouldn’t be such a but boy, Jack. Can’t you ever agree with anyone?

Come back but fast!



Everyone, but everyone, will be there.

Do it but now!

This thing has to be done but good.

…but then…


But then是個好用的口語,意思是「不過話又說回來;不過仔細想想」。

He's clumsy and untidy but then he's always willing to help.

也可以加一個again,變成but then again:

I agree she types accurately, but then again, she's very slow.
