
spam mail垃圾郵件、phishing網路釣魚

Spam的來源是午餐肉的廠牌名稱,由於午餐肉在西方是一種「垃圾食品」,因此衍伸為「垃圾信件」的意思。 spam mail和junk mail都解釋為「垃圾信件」,兩者可互換使用。

許多人的信箱經常塞滿垃圾信件和詐騙信件(scam mail),尤其有些垃圾信會夾帶病毒造成電腦當機,甚至不少網路釣魚(phishing)的連結或軟體會竊取個資及銀行密碼,要特別注意。

phishing (n)是「網路釣魚」的意思,這個單字的發音呼應了字義,因為與其發音一樣的fishing就是「釣魚」。

例句:The links included in phishing emails may contain malware or spyware.

scam (v, n)「詐騙」可當動詞或名詞,scammer (n)則是「騙徒、詐騙的人」。在旅行途中遇到的詐騙就稱為travel scams「旅行詐騙」;而許多人經常接到過的「電話詐騙」則是phone scam。

例句:An increasing number of people have fallen victim to phone scams.

隨著科技媒體的複雜化,垃圾信件和詐騙信件也有更多不同的形式,來看看Get Safe Onlie中的建議,學習如何避免網路詐騙。


例句:Do not open or forward emails which you suspect as being scams.

副詞forward通常表示「方向」,如move forward「往前進」。此外,多益測驗中經常出現片語look forward to N/Ving「期待」,因為介系詞是to,所以後方要加上名詞或動名詞。但在信件中,forward當動詞表示「轉寄」的意思,forwarding則可以當作名詞,例如搬家時,可以在郵局申請轉寄郵件的服務(Mail Forwarding service)將郵件轉寄到新住址。

例句:We look forward to serving you in the future.

例句:Could you forward the message Mr. Otani sent last Tuesday?

例句:To request Mail Forwarding service, please complete and submit the form online.


例句:Do not open attachments from unknown sources.


例句:The city map and the directions to the McCormick Convention Center are attached.


例句:Check junk mail folders regularly in case a legitimate email gets through by mistake.

legitimate (adj)是「合理的、可接受的;合法的」,例如「合法的商業活動」英文是legitimate business activities,反義詞則是illegitimate (adj)「非法的」。

例句:Heather provided a legitimate excuse for missing last week’s workshop.


例句:When sending emails to multiple recipients, list their addresses in the ‘BCC’ (blind copy) box instead of in the ‘To’ box.

recipient (n)指「收件人;接受者」,由動詞receive「接收」衍伸而來。

例句:Jim Reynolds is the recipient of this year’s Young Scholar Award.
(Jim Reynolds是今年的青年學者獎得主。)


1.After the ski accident in the Alpine region last year, John has had difficulty ________ between delusions and realities.
(A) differentiate
(B) to differentiate
(C) differentiated
(D) differentiating

2.Thank you for registering for our workshop. This email confirms our ________ of your registration fee.
(A) recipient
(B) receive
(C) receipt
(D) receptionist


1.正解為(D)。語意為「自從去年在阿爾卑斯山發生滑雪意外後,John一直難以分辨錯覺與現實。」本題要考文法題的動詞形式,have difficulty/trouble後方要接動名詞,故(D)為正確答案。

