Jessica和朋友在線上聊天,外國朋友在台灣待了一段時間,終於去逛台灣夜市。朋友人生第一次吃到臭豆腐、蚵仔煎等台灣小吃,和Jessica說道:I was today years old……
這句話,讓Jessica看得一頭霧水,I was today years old「我是今天的歲數」?難道是指他為了慶祝生日,才去逛夜市的嗎?
I was today years old.
I was today years old是這幾年來社交網路的流行語,意思是搞了這麼久、今天第一次嘗試,好像今天才出生一樣。特別是當一件事大家都知道、大家都吃過,但你今天才第一次體驗到時,就可以用這句帶有幽默口吻的話。
I was today years old後面常常會接when I learned / when I found out……。
I was today years old when I went to the night market.
Like there is / was no tomorrow.
like there’s no tomorrow字面上的意思是「好像沒有明天」。因為如果沒有明天,所有長遠的打算都不必在意,可以引申為「不顧一切、瘋狂的」。例如:
They were eating like there’s no tomorrow.
After he won the lottery, he began spending money like there was no tomorrow.
I wasn’t born yesterday.
老外說I was not born yesterday的時候,不是在討論年紀。這句話有點嗆,我不是昨天才出生,有點像中文的「別當我是3歲小孩」;也就是「你說的我不信」。
You don't fool me - I wasn't born yesterday.
I need it yesterday.
need it yesterday聽起來不太合理,昨天都過去了,要怎麼要?
這句話大多用在回應別人問「When do you need this?」時,回答I need it yesterday,意思就是早該給了、我現在就要,是很強勢的口吻。看一下對話,體驗一下口氣:
Mary:Where's the contract?
Sue:Do you need it now?
Mary:I need it yesterday! Where is it?