會議中,主管提到了一個新的市場策略,並問大家:“What’s your take on this?” Take? 要拿什麼東西,還是有什麼行動?
What’s your take on this?
What’s your take on the new proposal?
My take is that we should focus on customer retention first.
Her take on the project is innovative and practical.
What’s your main takeaway from today’s meeting?
Takeaway有外送、的意思,例如a Chinese takeaway指中餐外送餐館,但在商業環境中,takeaway常指「從會議、報告或經驗中學到的核心要點」。
At the end of the class, the teacher gives us the takeaway points.
The key takeaway from the presentation is that we need to diversify our portfolio.
Here’s my hot take……
Hot take是一個非正式的用語,常見於談話性節目,指對一個熱門話題快速、未經深思熟慮的觀點,可能帶有挑釁。
Here’s my hot take: social media is doing more harm than good.
That’s a hot take! Do you really think AI will replace all jobs?
Take rate
在商業分析中,take rate指「用來衡量某產品或服務被客戶接受的比例」。
The take rate for our new subscription model exceeded expectations.
A low take rate suggests we need to rethink our pricing strategy.
A take-home
A take-home是指「從會議或活動中應該帶走的結論或行動計劃」。
The take-home from today’s session is to focus on improving our customer service.
Make sure everyone has a clear take-home from this discussion.
1.Take the lead:占據主導地位
We need to take the lead in sustainable practices.
2.Take a hit:遭受損失或挫折
Our profits took a hit due to the unexpected market downturn.
3.Take on risk:承擔風險。
Investors are hesitant to take on risk in the current economy.
小結:Take 的名詞用法
- A take:看法或意見。
- Takeaway:主要資訊或重點。
- A hot take:淺見、快速且主觀的評論。
- Take rate:轉化率。
- A take-home:實際行動計劃或啟示。